Artist Statement
Elizabeth Naiditch
Minsk, my hometown, is located in a country that's known for its forests and green spaces. As a child and adult, I spent many hours foraging for berries and mushrooms as nature permeated my soul with the sound of birdsong. This was the unifying theme for my family and loved ones. As a girl, my father would translate the beauty of nature's landscapes with brush and paint with each brush stroke upon the canvas. By doing so, he inspired me to view the world through an artist’s eye. Consequently, I received a degree in textile design, but also worked with porcelain, window display design as well as floral arrangements.
After retirement, I painted bouquets and other floral motifs but one day my daughter suggested that I try my hand at landscapes. As a result I really enjoyed nature and most aspects about it. There is something undefinable and joyous about vistas that can be seen outside of the city. I draw my inspiration from skies, trees, and water and the majesty that is the outside.